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  • minwooki0364

Death rate between the Congo and Turkmenistan

최종 수정일: 2021년 5월 28일

The width represents years and the height represents the death number per 1000 people. The GDP ranking of the Congo is 93rd and the GDP ranking of Turkmenistan is 92nd in 2019. (“Death Rate, Crude (per 1,000 People) - Turkmenistan, Congo, Dem. Rep”)

This chart shows that the death rate between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Turkmenistan. This graph is significant because the current GDP ranking of Congo and Turkmenistan is similar. However, the death rate is quite different. Some may assume that this difference is small, though, considering the current population of the Congo of 87 million, the difference is ridiculous. Although GDP may be analogous, the reason for the difference in death rate is that there were so many crises in Congo, for example, the above-mentioned "Congo Crisis" or the FLNC riots. In fact, there are many riots happening now and every day is living in danger. Basically, this chart shows the lives of the people of Congo who have not been organized since the colonization. There is obviously a reason why Congo failed to go through such a process while other countries each created and amended their own country's laws. Congo is now building its own country and is attempting to establish a stable life (“DR Congo Population”).

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